If you have purchased a house, apartment or land or inherited real estate, a gift, privatization and other cases, its registration will be required. In other words, those who purchased real estate must issue it in accordance with all the rules in the property. That is, it is possible to register rights at the location of the registered object by the territorial bodies of Rosreestr. In order for real estate registration to take place, you will need to collect a package of documents. This, of course, is the statement of a legal or individual about state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with him (writes the buyer), the applicant’s passport, documents on the payment of the state fee for registration, the contract of sale in triplicate, title documents for the sold object sold real estate, his cadastral passport and d. p. Often there are situations in which real estate registration is suspended. The fact is that state registration of rights in the event of any doubt can stop the state registrar. This can be caused by incomplete information in the documents, also doubts their authenticity, the reliability of the data specified in them, with an incomplete set of documents, etc. D. The decision or ruling of the court for an indefinite period and many other situations may suspend the registration of real estate rights for an indefinite. It should be borne in mind that the suspension of state registration of rights can also be applied to the land plots when there is no real estate in the cadastre of the coordinates of the borders in information about them, or the boundary of the land crosses the boundaries or boundaries of another section.