The desire to be healthy and is good in inherent not only to the female sex, but also to men. However, they are unlikely to “sit” on a diet for this. But the fashion for the consumption of green tea seized relatively recently all exceptions – it seems that there is no such office or home kitchen where this fashionable drink would not stand. Therefore, it is not surprising that the diet on green tea has gained wide popularity.
What is useful to the body a green diet? A sheet of green tea is unusually rich in various beneficial substances, including enzymes that help to “sit down” on a low-carbing diet manner. Still, such a diet uses green tea as an opportunity to avoid vitamin deficiency that occurs with other methods of maintaining weight, because green tea includes just the vitamins we need. If you have chosen a diet on green tea, then learn how to store and brew it correctly, otherwise the loss of the qualities of the tea sheet and the futility of your efforts will follow. There is a green diet for a month, and during this time there is not only a gradual loss of excess kilograms, but also a beneficial cleansing of the body. At this time, you need to adhere to the order: the green tea diet requires drinking in the amount of liter per day. There are many varieties of tea, which is preferable if a green diet is taken as a basis? Choose one that has a larger sheet, preferably varieties of “oolong” or “pu-er”. How to drink it – hot or cooled? Decide for yourself, this is not fundamentally, the green diet on this subject does not accent. But do not forget that the green diet involves the consumption of water – a mineral non -carbonated. In general, the amount of liquid will be up to 2 liters per day.
Good – they figured out the tea itself, but what the green diet implies from the products? In principle, there is everything – little by little, often. Only fatty, sweet, flour food should be avoided. Also, the green diet will be effective if you do not mix tea and meal: drink green tea 30 minutes before meals or after the same period of time – after. Such a diet is unrelenting, it is only necessary to follow these recommendations. And it will be most appropriate to use it in the warm season, because it is much easier to quench hunger with fruits, vegetables, herbs and cold green tea. With all the positive qualities of the considered diet, you should still consult a doctor before resorting to this method of losing weight, since the green diet has contraindications: digestive system diseases – gastritis, colitis, various ulcers, for example. The fact that there is a lot of caffeine in the leaves of green tea in the leaves of green tea.