The National Association of Builders (abbreviated nobro) proposed to create a construction and mortgage bank, which could accumulate financing of the construction market, to gradually reduce the mortgage rate to consumers to four to six percent per annum.
All multidirectional programs promoted by the state will be accumulated in a single bank, in the decision center. This institution should support developers, corporate buyers, ordinary citizens who take a mortgage for their own needs. This bank can for a certain time, which is possible according to wall calendars, the manufacture of which for customers are engaged in printing houses, develop unified, centralized criteria for choosing sites for construction, where the state can invest, bypassing intermediaries. Such a decision will allow the available state resources to be directed towards consumer support, as well as to support the consumer.
Nowadays, more likely there is support for the banking sector, but not citizens. It is worth noting that the average mortgage rate is now at least twelve, and the maximum of fourteen percent per annum due to the margin of banks. They act here as intermediaries on the path of state material resources to the consumer. Thus, it will be possible to support the purchasing demand for the erected new buildings regarding shared construction. It would not be superfluous to get support for buying apartments in already built houses, which is on sale in the secondary market.
If, with the help of centralization, it is possible to slightly reduce the cost of a mortgage loan, it will be clear that the system gives the result. Then we can talk about reducing mortgage rates to six percent per annum for the consumer. In the course of natural competition, the rest of the banks who are engaged in a mortgage to stay afloat will also go down over time.
The founder of such a credit institution ideally should be Vnesheconombank or its subsidiary, as well as the “Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Public Utilities of the Russian Federation.