Elite real estate has always attracted attention not only because of the royal splendor of the external decoration of the house, but also because the purchase of elite housing has always been a good investment. It is thanks to the factor of capital investments that expensive housing can be described as the most popular in the market. Even during the global economic crisis, all the same rich people bought housing in large quantities, which also made real estate more suitable structure for investment. Of course, they are invested in the elemental class of well -developed countries, where there are no economic and political concussions. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that in Russia there is an extensive residential array for investing its financial resources. Moreover, after the latest political friction between Russia and the West, many wealthy people who are in Russia transfer their financial resources to the territory of the Russian Federation. And here there are already good possibilities for investing their funds in the purchase of elite housing. Rublevo-Uspenskoye highways are actively sold, where almost key and most expensive buildings of an elite class are located. It is on Rublevka, as the people call this area of the capital region, there are all opportunities for timely and reliable investment in the elite and extremely expensive housing. In addition to investments, the businessman receives the status. After all, few can purchase housing precisely on Rublevka, and whoever possesses this right, he can certainly attribute himself to one of the most expensive people of the country. There was a period when almost only domestic businessmen bought their homes on Rublevka. But now foreign rich people are actively buying up their participants and build high -level houses. Thus, the competition for a place under the sun has increased sharply, and most likely heating the real estate market on Rublevka will continue. In any case, housing on Rublevka will always be decent, and investing their financial resources in this real estate will be more than reliable, despite global economic and political cataclysms. Ultimately, the practical implementation of the already purchased housing on Rublevka will give much more benefit to the real estate owner.