The mechanism for the redemption of privatized enterprises or land plots is determined in the main provisions of the privatization program of the first of July Ninety -fourth year. In these provisions, each owner of the buildings, buildings owns the right to buy a plot in Laptevo under buildings. Thus, the separation of one object into the house and the plot of land under it will be overcome.
The fact that commercial real estate is used freely, for this there is a guarantee, and it is only private property for one object. The company itself has the right to redeem the land in parts. For example, according to units of enterprises, the location of which is located in different parts of the city. And you can also redeem the only part of the enterprise in parts, since the company is the owner of the entire territory of the buildings, and this means that it can buy plots under each building separately, and in the order in which he wants. And so the enterprise redeems the whole land as if in installments.
The most important issue when the land plot of a privatized enterprise is bought is the issue of price. There is a norm in relation to legislation and regulatory acts, which has no reverse operations and does not worsen and does not even cancel the rights of citizens who were previously.
After the decree has come out, which approved the order of the sold land plots during privatization, the norm applies by which the land is redeemed at the price of equivalent to the norm. And the price of the standard is always determined on the day on which the plan for the privatization of the enterprise itself was approved, and not one day earlier or later.
The price of land according to the norm is determined at this stage as a tax of fifty percentage. And it was approved by the Law on Planning to land, according to which, each enterprise must pay for the land tax twice a year. A little later, there is a definition of another norm in relation to the cost of those areas that redeem. Established that the local administration can set the size of the redeemed price, in the limit from one to three values of the price of the standard. After, a number of laws are adopted, which gradually increased the value of tax, and in a thousand nine hundred and ninety -ninety -fourth year, the price of the purchased area according to the formula is calculated, the amount of land tax at the time of approval of the plan is multiplied by fifty and multiplied by a coefficient of one to three.