In pursuit of a beautiful figure, all means are good. Recently, the so -called monodites, t, have been gaining popularity. e. diets, during which only one product is allowed to use. Banana diet – one of them.
What causes such an unusual choice of product? The fact that the banana is just a storehouse of vitamins, macro – and trace elements, especially potassium. It contains a sufficient amount of carbohydrates and fiber. Also, this fruit contains serotonin, which is called the “hormone of joy”, so a good mood throughout the diet is provided to you.
True, a banana diet for weight loss requires “correct” fruits. It is better to treat this with all seriousness. You need to choose only ripe fruits, with a thin skin of bright yellow color. But unripe or long bananas with a greenish thick peel (they are also called vegetable) should be avoided. They have insoluble starch, which is not absorbed by our body. The fruits must be cleaned carefully, freeing them not only from the peel, but also from thin white fibers.
There are two varieties of this diet. The first option is a banal-milk diet that is designed for three days. The menu of each day includes three bananas and three glasses of low -fat milk. In exceptional cases, milk can be replaced with 1% kefir. It is best to adhere to three meals a day. e. In the morning, day and evening, eat one banana and drink one glass. By the way, Israeli scientists have proven that milk, thanks to the content of calcium and vitamin D, helps to fight excess weight. It is also rich in protein and gives a feeling of satiety, which is important in the diet.
The second option is a banana diet 7 days. The diet of this diet is slightly different. T. To. it is longer, then there are some concessions here. You can eat 1.5 kg of bananas per day, this is a pure fruit weight without a peel. As before, you can use green tea and non -carbonated water without restrictions. There is practically no protein in bananas, so during this week it is allowed to eat 2 boiled eggs.
As a result, you can lose up to 3 kg on express options and up to 7 kg on a longer diet. However, after losing weight, one cannot immediately pounce on food, otherwise all lost centimeters and kilograms will quickly return to their places. The exit from the banana diet assumes that you will gradually introduce the usual products into your diet, returning to normal nutrition within a few weeks. But even in this case, the flour and sweet should refuse as if possible.
Like any, banana diet has its own contraindications. It should not be consumed by people with diabetes, with liver diseases, kidneys, as well as in the peak of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.