It is proved that sports running has a beneficial effect on the state of human health, his well -being and mood. However, like all other physical exercises, running requires special attention not only to technology, but also to equipment. Starting such a responsible lesson, you should choose the right shoes that will create proper shock -absorption of the foot, while protecting the leg from damage.
Sports sneakers for running must be of high quality and convenient. Like the whole organism, your legs during running are subject to significant loads. When running in improperly selected shoes, intervertebral discs and joints of the legs experience permanent shock vertical load and, for this reason, are slowly destroyed. This is fraught with injuries and pain in the feet, which over time can become chronic. By running in poorly selected shoes, you do not strengthen, but destroy your health.
Looking at the abundance of shoes on store shelves, it can be noted that the choice of running sneakers is not the easiest task. For this reason, before going to the nearest supermarket for a new pair of sneakers, it is worth adopting several important rules.
Correct running sneakers and how to choose them
• The most important quality of sneakers is their depreciation. Correctly selected shoes significantly reduces vertically at the feet, and also helps the foot push off from the ground. Through this increases running speed. The designated shock absorbers are usually located under the heel and sock, while possessing a species of a special spring or air cushion. In addition, the patch running sneakers should also be strong enough, since when in contact with solid surfaces, the amortizing elements of the shoes will begin to wash over time.
• Of course, one of the most important qualities of shoes remains its convenience. Running sneakers should definitely suit you, ensuring proper fixation of the heel and foot. In this case, this type of shoe should be quite easy.
• Another important aspect that should not be missed, choosing sneakers for running and for walking, is shoe lacing. It is believed that this particular method of fixation is optimal. Choosing shoes on a lock or Velcro is extremely not desirable.
Recently increased the number of Internet checks such as “buy women’s sneakers” and “buy sports shoes” indicates the growth of the popularity of a number of online stores selling these products. However, most professionals still recommend trying shoes before buying or at least carefully consider it, which is difficult to do by purchasing shoes on the Internet.
• As the most optimal materials for sneakers, natural ones are better suitable – cotton and skin. A great option is also cotton sneakers with leather inserts. Through this, the strength of the shoes and its proper ventilation are simultaneously ensured.
• Possessing a number of useful properties, running shoes should also be beautiful. According to psychologists, beautiful things cause positive emotions. And running in a good mood will always be more productive.