Conventional commercial real estate is understood as real estate that is used for various commercial activities and serves as a means of profit as a result.
Commercial real estate of different types can additionally include all kinds of offices, garages, warehouses and other forms of real estate. In some cases, it can be hotel premises, industrial premises, etc. In addition, land plots, agricultural lands, water bodies and other varieties of property that are attached to the land also include commercial real estate.
You can approximately distinguish the four most common types of real estate: office, trade real estate, production and warehouse commercial real estate in Ivanovo. Each of these types of commercial real estate has its own characteristics, while differing not only in the cost of rent, but also by operating conditions.
Take, for example, office real estate. It includes all the enterprises used to place personnel in them to carry out a particular labor activity. Office real estate is quite popular today, because renting a room is much cheaper than purchasing it completely.
Trading real estate is a type of real estate, which is mainly used to create places of wholesale and retail trade in goods and the provision of services.
Warehouse real estate implies mainly warehouses and warehouse complexes used to store products, materials, etc. D. This is perhaps one of the youngest areas of commercial real estate, but its popularity is constantly growing every day.
And finally, production real estate, which includes the most popular species – industrial zones and technology parks, and less popular varieties of real estate.