The ancient Egyptians and Greeks knew and used to know and used, but in Western Europe it was unknown for a long time. Today horseradish is not only an unusual piquant seasoning, but also an excellent drug that is used in many different folk recipes that have come to us from the depths of centuries.
The benefits of horseradish for the human body are very diverse. It affects the operation of the entire digestive system, including it is used to treat gastritis. Folk healers offer many recipes using horseradish for the treatment of hypertension, osteochondrosis, pleurisy, colds, inflammation of the lungs, neuralgia, radiculitis, toothache, great benefit of the horseradish with the physical and mental exhaustion of the human body. Fuck has strong anti -inflammatory, general strengthening, hematopoietic, diuretic, choleretic, bactericidal and expectorant properties. Fitoncides included in the root crop, have a powerful effect in the fight against microbes, here the benefits of horseradish are manifested in the fencing of the human body from dangerous infectious diseases.
Active components that make up the horseback are distinguished by increased nutritional properties. Fuck is rich in vitamins C, B and PP, as well as on essential mustard oils, ascorbic acid, starch and, so necessary for human life, fiber. Fresh horseradish leaves contain a lot of carotene.
This universal root crop is also used in cosmetology, here the benefits of horseradish are manifested in getting rid of freckles and age spots. Water infusion of horseradish, wipe the face, giving it a beautiful color and even tone.
With diabetes mellitus, the benefits of horseradish for the body are very large, because it is this root crop that normalizes sugar in the blood. To do this, prepare such a mixture: 1 part of the grated horseradish root and 10 parts of sour milk are well mixed and leave for a day in a tightly closed dish. Strain the resulting medicine and take three times a day before meals by one tablespoon. This helps to reduce sugar levels.
With radiculitis with constant severe pain, the benefits of the horseradish are also great, in particular its leaves. They need to be laid in a sore spot and tightly wrapped with a warm scarf, after some time, you will feel significant relief, the pain will gradually retreat.
With frostbite, rheumatism of joints and front neuralgia, the benefits of the horseradish will appear after the use of pincers. And also, hell is a natural antibiotic that helps perfectly for sore throat and purulent wounds in the oral cavity.
Horseradish is a universal, excellent and effective folk remedy that is available and useful to almost any person.