Interesting information became not so long known – Russians began to spend on foreign real estate much as a smaller amount of money than it was previously. But it’s not about any prohibitions. The reason is where it is as simpler in essence-there are almost no countries left where the investment in the house or the apartment will be truly profitable and justified. For the first quarter of this year, for the first time, a decrease in the volume of operations was registered, which consisted of precisely what in the purchase by Russian citizens of various real estate abroad. Indicators decreased by almost $ 15 million. According to experts, there is a whole set of reasons that led to the development of events that turned out in this way. This is, first of all, a general decrease in the attractiveness of this kind of investment. Also, the initiative was the reason for the fact that they were discussed at the beginning of this year. Recall that their essence was that they wanted to prohibit civil servants in principle to own real estate located abroad. Growth over the past years was uneven, but stable. For example, 2010 ensured an increase in property costs of this kind by 26 percent. 2012 and completely gave an increase in impressive 62 percent. Another relationship is also interesting – although property costs abroad are reduced on a systematic scale, but the costs of the line are growing – only in the first three months of the year they were able to increase by a fairly impressive one and a half billion dollars. It is believed, the previous growth, so sharp, was due to the fact that there was a financial crisis, which led to a decline in prices for foreign real estate. And now the situation is the opposite – the situation is stabilizing, prices gradually, but confidently begin to crawl up, so it is not worth it to expect growth in the near future. Also, the veil that those who could afford to make the purchase of property abroad do not promise to do a personal disposal. So there is no meaning for them to purchase something now. And, of course, an active discussion of the aforementioned bill focused on officials also made its own adjustments. And even if the threat did not come to life in the end, nevertheless, from the acquisition of previously done housing, she scared away.