Ashtanga Yoga in translation means “8 basics”, because in this type of yoga there are 8 principles. Ashtanga Yoga is more complicated than other types of yoga, since it requires physical strength. Ashtanga Yoga is based on quick movements, the transition from a pose to a pose is carried out very quickly. It is recommended to put breathing in such a way as to breathe evenly, breathing and exhaling when changing the pose. In Ashtanga Yoga, Tristan is paid to the main attention – these are 3 aspects: even breathing, pose and point of concentration, this should be remembered, thinking how to start doing yoga.
By combining these components, physical and spiritual cleansing occurs. The execution of asanas in Ashtanga Yoga improves posture, breath-louds develop the respiratory system. In addition to asanas, Ashtanga Yoga aims to cleanse the mind through system 8 completed steps.
1 Shag Ashtanga Yoga – Yama.
Release from all problems (external, internal), facilitating practice.
2 step ashtanga yoga – Niyama.
A positive attitude is formed, increasing the tone of the mind and energy
3 step ashtanga yoga – Asana.
Using a system of exercises aimed at developing life, body, reassuring consciousness
4 step ashtanga yoga – Pranayama.
Special methods and techniques of breathing and accumulation of vitality are used.
5 step ashtanga yoga – Pratyahara.
At this stage, control of emotions and ordering sensory perception is taken.
6 Step Ashtanga Yoga – Dharan.
Work is aimed at concentrating the mind through mental concentration.
7 step ashtanga yoga – dhyana
The development of the forces of consciousness, work on internal mental equilibrium occurs.
8 Step ashtanga yoga – samadhi.
The deepest state of complete awareness, the pureness of the comprehension of the internal and external worlds.
The first 4 steps in Ashtanga Yoga are aimed at complete physical purification, the next 4 – at spiritual purification. And remember that the correct Ashtanga Yoga takes about an hour and a half.
Ashtanga Yoga is engaged in athletes athletes because this type of yoga develops physical strength, increases endurance, makes the body flexible. It is recommended to go through the entire Ashtanga Yoga series.