Salt food has been used by people for a long time. Another ancient people, in order to preserve meat and vegetables for the winter, raised them. The well -known Russian word “Machines” indicates the addiction of our people to salt food.
Today in each supermarket a large assortment of fresh products is offered year -round, so there is no longer any need to actively ravine them. Despite this, people, following the Russian tradition, do not stop indulging themselves with salty cucumbers, mushrooms, herring, etc. D. This negatively affects health. Such food contains a huge amount of sodium. By using such food at night, in the morning you can feel the accumulation of excess fluid in the body and, as a result, observe excessive body weight.
A large amount of sodium, which comes with salt food, helps to accumulate excess fluid under the skin in the body, which in turn leads to strong edema, especially in the morning. If you are tortured by such problems, it is recommended to try an effective sleepless diet, which people who have already tried to observe it positively, many nutritionists and doctors. Sinoal diet for 15 days will help remove excess fluid from the body, reduce body weight and strengthen the state of health.
Sunny diet 15 days is standardly observed, but it is allowed to adhere to it from 7 to 15 days. Such a diet is especially recommended to people who suffer from diseases of the excretory and cardiovascular system. Sinoal diet is also recommended for pregnant women. But, in this case, the menu should strictly compile a doctor, because the complete exception of sodium from the diet can be poorly affected by the body of the future mother.
Sunny diet implies:
• complete exclusion from the diet of salt and fatty foods;
• division of food meals into 4 approaches in small portions;
• steaming cooking;
• eating vegetables, berries, rye bread, low -fat meat and fish, vegetable soups, dairy and dairy products, quail eggs, porridge;
• exclusion of pastries, fatty meat, marinades and pickles, smoked meats, fish and meat broths;
• consumption of a large amount of liquid, except for alcoholic and sweet drinks;
• You can add dried and fresh herbs to dishes, for example, parsley, dill, celery, as well as non -resistant spices, garlic, onions.
Now we consider the approximate menu of the salt-free diet of 15-day duration (the duration varies from 7 to 14 days), which is also called a salt-free mono-diet:
• 3 days – chicken fillet, steamed;
• 3 days – any cereals cooked on the water;
• 3 days – any low -fat boiled fish;
• 3 days – any raw or boiled vegetables, except for potatoes;
• The last 3 days – any fruit (up to 1.5 kg per day).
In the process of compliance with the diet, the main thing is not to forget about the main condition – to consume all products without salt. As mentioned earlier, a sleepless diet is observed for 15 days, you can slightly reduce the term, but it should not be less than a week. During this time, it becomes possible to get rid of unnecessary edema and extra pounds forever.