Using only typical buildings in development, the authors suggest as artistic means, in addition to the variety of volumetric and spatial constructions, actively use color, small architectural forms, herbs. Various color processing of facades, free arrangement of buildings, organic inclusion in the composition of greenery and architecture of small forms will give the appearance of the residential arrays individual features and greater architectural expressiveness. A decrease in the number of storeys of residential development, and therefore, the change in the types of houses entailed large changes in the planning decision of the quarters. If the outline of the layout of the new residential area provided for the construction of eight-story buildings of built-in stores in the first floors of eight-story buildings, then the transition to the construction of only five-story buildings with clicks used for housing, caused the need to create special-standing structures for trading institutions and other cultural service premises. Opening the opportunity for better functional use of structures and the creation of large household amenities for the population, this was very noticeably affected by the techniques of compositional constructions of both individual quarters and the entire area as a whole. The inclusion in the residential array of separately standing buildings of stores significantly enriched the palette of architects, as it created the possibility of a greater variety of compositional solutions. If in a sketch project the front of the highways made up only residential buildings, then in a new, processed version against the background of uniform residential buildings, separate accents arise that increase the artistic expressiveness of the streets. In addition to changing the number of storeys, the processing of the project was associated with a change in the density of the housing stock. In the process of developing the project, the development density has changed several times, which was significantly reflected in the planning structure of the housing estate.