Most of us had moments in life when we listened to the “inner voice”, and sometimes committed actions that at first glance were not entirely logical, but ultimately our actions were justified. So what is this “inner voice”, which can tell us in advance how to behave in a particular situation? And the name for this assistant is intuition. And no matter what the pessimists say, each of us is endowed with intuition, only the whole problem is that not all of us listen to it, and not everyone develops it. But using exercises for the development of intuition, you can extremely aggravate this feeling.
Intuition is a way of communication between our mind, consciousness and soul, a method that is not fully succumbing to a logical explanation. This is a method of knowledge of the world around us, which uses not only visual images, but also archetypes, symbols, metaphors, signs, and everything that has been accumulated by humanity throughout its history. Intuition is a deep knowledge of the reality surrounding us, which is associated with a sense of obviousness, and which is based on the previous experience and our knowledge.
To date, there are various methods of development of intuition, which you can get acquainted by visiting special courses and seminars. Invisible and intangible feeling – intuition, most developed in young children. After all, all of them follow a certain intuitive impulse, carefully not considering their actions and without analyzing them. It is the feeling of intuition that children follow. Therefore, ideally – from an early age should offer kids fascinating games for the development of intuition, which will help strengthen and improve this feeling.
As developers, the intuitive perception of the child can be used such games as dorisovs, numerical rows, play the drawing, entertaining arithmetic, rhyming, the game “hotly cold” and others. During the game, the child will learn to find patterns in the location of the numbers, their sequence. Games will contribute to the development of creative thinking, intelligence, imagination and fantasies, and unfamiliar smells, sounds and paints are clearly imprinted in his mind and memory.
But how to develop intuition in more adulthood? One of the main conditions is life experience and knowledge. Read as many books, articles, specialized literature as possible, because all this is not remembered, it will be delayed in the subconscious forever, and will serve as the source data for analysis and adoption of intuitive decisions. Some methods of developing intuition and psi-capacity will also help:
– meditation (immersion in oneself, relaxation, disconnecting consciousness), which will help to hear its “inner voice”;
– affirmation, in which it is necessary to focus all your attention on what you want to do at the moment, and not on what you are doing now;
– Methods for the development of intuition using imagination. Work on it, and it will fuel your abilities for intuitive thinking;
– Vera: Do not feel the barriers before faith in something unusual and new, believe your intuitive qualities, and then intuition will work on you better and better.