Of the many popular ways to get rid of unwanted hair in different places (shaving, shugaring, wax, photo – and electric power) for certain parts of the female body, such as the face, neck and chest, is recognized as the best – laser epilation. Firstly, because these are the zones expressing the feminine, and the general domestic “do not harm” here is relevant more than anywhere, even in an intimate zone, and this type of hair removal provides a careful attitude to the skin, does not allow abrasions, burns, cuts (what could even leave scars and scars in the future); does not give complications in the form of ingrown hairs. Secondly, this guaranteedly frees a woman from the problem of endless manipulations with growing hair, because, subject to the recommendations of a cosmetologist and passing on the schedule of several procedures, follicles will cease to form in the indicated places, and hairs from them will grow to grow from them.
In addition, by choosing to solve your problem with excess hair a laser, you can, having studied the principles of the work of each of the types of laser apparatus offered by cosmetic salons, choose exactly one that is fully consistent with the characteristics of your body, and you will provide yourself with the best laser hair removal from all possible options. You will learn that lasers are the following types:
1. Rubin – a laser in which a radiation stream effectively affects dark hairs with light skin, destroying melanin in a follicle. For the complete destruction of unwanted hair, it will be necessary to repeat the procedure several times so that the action of the beam extends to those hairs that are previously in an inactive phase, and then grew;
2. Alexander – a laser, which is also successfully controlled with dark hair, but expands its effect on dark skin, its energy flow has high speed and power than ruby, so the procedure takes less time;
3. Diode and neodymium – lasers gaining popularity due to the fact that their beam has deeper penetration into the skin (which improves the result of hair removal in the number of struck hairs) and can affect the hairs even among owners of tanned or dark skin, and neodymium is used in epilation and relatively bright hair. However, the energy flow rate is less.
The advantages of laser hair removal are that the beam acts directly on the hair bulb without affecting the skin, so it does not damage it, does not cause allergies. Although most cosmetic rooms nevertheless are tested for individual tolerance by the body of a client of laser radiation.
Having chosen the best laser hair removal for yourself (they will help here – Laser -Epilation), feel free to enter the struggle with excess hair for your femininity, beauty and attractiveness!