Many people dream of such work when you can live for pleasure and every month a tidy amount of money is received at the bank account. Those people who can rent apartments at a price of 5,000 euros per month are quite claimed for the title of “lucky”.
I know a family in which the apartment fund is 15 apartments distributed in management between members of the whole family – from parents to adult children. All without exception live abroad and come to their homeland only when searching for a new tenant. They do not cease to complain about the difficulties of life.
Not only the owners of expensive apartments are increasingly deciding to go an indefinite number of years abroad to countries with a mild climate, but also the most ordinary residents. The money proceeds from renting an apartment is enough for normal life and entertainment. This practice is very common among residents of Moscow. The most attractive countries for tourism on the principle of “left to rest. When I return, I don’t know ” – Thailand, Vietnam, India and China. Schools, medical insurance and opportunities for working in these countries compared to the bureaucratic homeland is much better. Children grow on fruit like yeast, they speak English as in the second native, bathe in the sea – a complete idyll. Many earn on Russian tourists, some open their own business.
In Ukraine, this business is also popular, I have the main income with the owners of which apartments are located in the center.
Official statistics, which would show how exactly our fellow citizens left in this way, is not published anywhere. Contracts concluded between the parties when renting apartments are very rarely presented in the tax inspectorate.
If you are tired of the local climate, the sea and your element beach, and there is an apartment in the property without any debts, then you can relax at least a year abroad following the example of our compatriots.