The face masks from clay began to use in ancient Egypt. Healing properties are endowed with all types of clay and white, yellow, green, and red, and blue. One of the most active is green, but this does not mean that face masks from clay of other colors are not effective. Color and “geography” for clay are not significant, no matter what it is bought in a pharmacy or “extracted” by you yourself, it will always help your skin in difficult times.
Clay face masks “take” toxins and pollution, giving minerals and vitamins in return.
Clay face masks block the activity of microbes and stimulate anti -aging processes.
Lumps of well -dried clay are rubbed to the consistency of the powder, the resulting powder is laid out in the sun for several hours to increase efficiency. Clay does not like metal, so to prepare a face mask from clay, you need to use only non -metallic dishes. Clay still does not like hot water, from which it loses its beneficial properties, so the ingredients should not be hot.
Apply face masks from clay after preliminary massage and thorough cleansing by 20-25min, and rinse with ordinary water.
Clay face masks:
1.Three Art. tablespoons of clay, three t. tablespoons of milk and one st. spoon of honey, thoroughly mixed and applied to the face, then washed off with cool water.
2.Another recipe: Pour 3 t. tablespoons of clay (the mass should resemble sour cream), then the egg yolk is added (we take the “homemade” egg), lemon juice (approximately, a teaspoon), a pharmacy chamomile, olive oil (literally a couple of drops). All this is mixed and immediately applied to the face. In principle, you can add not all of the above, you can use these ingredients in turn.
3.Cold cucumber of medium sizes, grated on a fine grater, is mixed with a small amount of white clay, so that the cucumber is “main”, the resulting mass is applied to the face with a wide brush.
4.One and a half Art. tablespoons of white clay and one and a half st. tablespoons of talcs are thoroughly mixed with the gradual adding of two. tablespoons of fresh cold milk, milk should be “home”.
Clay will take care of the hair, here is the recipe that is easy to cook at home:
Pour a little apple cider vinegar to the bottom of ceramic bowls, then add from 70 to 100 g of clay, the amount of clay depends on the length of the hair, pour cold water, mix and armed with a hairdresser, apply the mixture to wet hair. After 20 minutes, not forgetting about clay dislike for hot water, wash your hair with water at room temperature.
Take the clay with you to the bath – delight your skin:
450-500 grams of white or blue clay, you can take in equal parts and white and blue clay, dissolve in a bath with water, and plunge into it for 20 minutes. Then take a shower, but do not use soap or shower gels.