Not every girl can boast of an expressive look, healthy and lush eyelashes. Eyelash extensions have appeared for a long time, but today’s technology has a number of signs of differences from past technology. At the moment, this procedure looks as follows: to our natural eyelashes through certain glue (it includes resin) and artificial cilia are attached skilled hands of a professional. As for the color scheme and length, it all depends on your imagination. To obtain eyelash beams that are necessary for extension, both artificial and natural hair are used. The functions of colorless glue consist only in fastening the cilia and hiding the joints. If black glue is used, your gaze acquires the effect of lettered eyes. With the length of the eyelashes, you need to determine based on the size of the length of your own eyelashes. The difference between these values should not be very large, since in this case you will achieve the opposite effect: the eyes will look very unnatural. The beginning of the process is accompanied by the removal of makeup and the processing of eyelashes by a special substance for degreasing. As a rule, the extension procedure begins with the outer corner of the eyelashes, and end with internal. At the end of the process, the length of the length of the eyelashes is also subject to processing by means of scissors to create a natural expression of the eyes. Also, to achieve a more natural effect, extension is not carried out equally along the entire length. To get the best result, the process is made like this: from the outer corners of the eyes in the direction of the middle, with the help of glue, several beams of eyelashes of medium length are attached, and by the middle not bundles are glued, but individual cilia. Last year, our state borrowed the technology of creating a charming look among Japan. The difference between this method and the rest lies in the fact that here is increased only by attaching each cilia separately. The effect persists up to three months, but in about a month correction may be necessary, since after this time the eyelashes are updated as a result of their growth.
Let’s talk about the advantages of this procedure.
Firstly, such a makeup tool as eyelashes can not be used at all for almost 2 weeks, and if you used extensions using Japanese technology, then for almost 3 months.
Further, neither rest at sea, nor a surge of emotions to tears in your eyes in no way will affect your makeup.
As for life situations when it is simply not realistic to achieve an amazing effect with the help of ordinary makeup, and this is more necessary than ever, you just can’t do without building.
When all this beauty you will get tired, you can get rid of it without leaving your home, having previously treated the eyelashes with vegetable oil or a specially designed liquid for this.
Repeated creation of artificial eyelashes is carried out by adjusting by replacing the cilia with a new hairy.
You can complement beauty by making permanent eye makeup. An experienced master who makes makeup and tattooing will give guarantees for his work for a year and a half. Eyes and eyes will look very beautiful and natural during this time.
Of course, like each method of building, there are negative points here.
Before the direct extension process, do not use makeup remedies based on various oils. In addition, on the means of attachment of eyelashes – glue, as well as on nylon fibers, of which artificial cilia intended for extension consist, the possibility of allergies is not excluded.
In the case of immoderate use of eyelash beams, especially significant length, your gaze will be like the view of actresses of the 50s of the last century, which in everyday life does not look very natural.
Everyday procedures, such as removing makeup, washing, removing lenses, must be done as accurately as possible so as not to damage the eyelashes. Subjecting the eye to sleep in the same way as to sleep face in a pillow is not allowed. In addition, basic water, which includes chlorine, affects the eyelashes.
The process of falling out artificial eyelashes is carried out along with the loss of natural ones, on which they were glued. In general, the natural loss of eyelashes does not significantly affect the effect achieved after building.
As for the material side, as you have already guessed, this pleasure is far from cheap. The price depends on the institution, directly the technology option and the quantitative side of the raw materials used to increase. On average, it is from 100 to 250 dollars.
Nature did not give everyone a chic and expressive look. But modern technologies with a reasonable approach and use allow you to achieve the desired effect.