Statistics indicate that about 60% of European women dye their hair constantly, and another 15% tried to change the color of their hairstyles at least once in a life. The most popular way of staining was recognized as highlighting. And this is understandable. Toning of individual strands not only gives additional volume to the hair, but also helps to create a bright and stylish image.
New types of highlighting the master of hairdressing arts invent annually. But only four of them continue to remain the most in demand: classic, “bastard”, “Mazhimesh” and coloring.
Classic highlighting
Classic highlighting is perhaps the most gentle hair dyeing method. The main part of them remains untouched, only individual strands are subjected to clarification. The naturalness of the resulting result depends on both the staining technique and the thickness of the selected strands. Highlighting with foil, as a rule, looks more natural than obtained through a hat. Thin “feathers” create a feeling of sunlight on the hair, and the wide “scorched stripes” look sloppy.
This coloring is made using a cream-color with the addition of wax, which softens the effect of “chemistry”. The coloring composition does not contain perhydrol, so with its help it is impossible to achieve pure blond shades. Warm golden – the maximum that “Majimash” can give. Traditionally, this procedure is carried out after lightening individual strands for approximately 3-4 tones. At the same time, the hairstyle visually increases in volume, acquiring a beautiful game of glare.
With “bastard” only the ends of the hair are stained. Such highlighting is ideal for girls who do not want to radically change their image. The lightened ends can be cut in a couple of months, as soon as the hair grows to a sufficient length. “Basil” looks especially impressive on dark hair: due to the contrast arising, the hairstyle looks more magnificent and bright.
Coloring, or American highlighting
Modern trends of fashion in highlighting – rejection of monoxide. The hairstyle looks more natural if the “feathers” have several shades: a little lighter than natural hair color and a little darker. To create the effect of additional volume, experienced masters use up to 5-6 different paint tones when coloring. The more shades, the more interesting the result can be obtained.
Fans of all natural offer calm tones close to the natural color of the hair. Extravagant natures can try more bold combinations. For example, contrasting staining with “wildlife colors” looks creative: red, yellow and green. Such highlighting is carried out with a special gel with a non -storage composition. A few weeks after the procedure, it is completely washed off, and the hair again acquires a natural shade.