No one will definitely answer how allergies on the body are treated, because an allergy is a very extensive concept, which includes various diseases and their manifestations.
Allergies on the body of edema and all kinds of skin rashes, which may be accompanied by itching. In addition, allergic processes can lead to a runny nose, sneezing, coughing, difficulties in breathing and other symptoms, which, sometimes, conceal a threat to life.
Allergies on the body can be almost everything that surrounds us and with what we get in contact: cosmetics, drugs, dust, dyes, insects, washing powders, hair, electric current, animal hair, synthetic tissues, microorganisms, chemicals , mold, preservatives, any food products. Even in response to the banal effects of cold or heat, an allergy to the body may appear.
The causes of allergic reactions are not completely outlined, neuropathologists are looking for causes in the nervous system, infectious disease specialists-in contagious agents, and allergologists-immunologists explain this by the mechanism of “antigen-antibody”.
Food allergy on the body occurs in 10% of children and about 2% of adults. In megacities and cities, with an extensive network of industrial enterprises, more than half of the population suffers from allergic reactions, in rural areas of allergies, as a rule, 3-4 times less. Allergy is gaining momentum, pushing into the background even cardiovascular diseases. This is due to a change in climate, a worsening environmental picture of the planet, stress factors, poor -quality food products. Food products every day become more and more synthetic and defiantly artificial, and natural products, for example, animal meat, are simply stuffed with various medicines. In addition, more and more young mothers refuse breastfeeding.
But, if the problem of allergies to dust, for example, can be solved using the Kirby vacuum cleaner, then with other types of allergies on the body you will have to resort to the help of a doctor. The hereditary factor is increasingly tracing, the risk of developing allergies in a child whose parents allergies are approaching 90%.
The main thing in treatment is the identification of an allergen, with which, if possible, the contact must be stopped.
The key to success in treatment is a doctor’s professionalism.
The patient suffering from allergies should be carefully examined. Often you have to take into account not only external allergens irritants, but also the internal factors of the body. Self -medication and self -knowledge of drugs are unacceptable, at the first signs, consult a doctor, otherwise you will miss the precious time when it is not too late to get rid of the disease at the initial stage of development.