Autumn comes, carrying leaf falls, rains, slush … Many people experience psychological difficulties at this time, autumn bad weather causes mental longing, it seems that existing problems are aggravated. This is nothing more than autumn spleen. But can she resist?
The answer must be sought by professionals-psychologists who can explain the situation and advise ways to combat it.
Man is the same part of nature as trees, flowers, herbs. And all of them fade at the end of the summer, go into the sleeping “mode”, the amount of sunlight is sharply reduced, and this negatively affects many. We can say that the autumn spleen is a consequence of the reduction in daylight hours. We are all dependent on the sun, since it is the source of life on our planet. Autumn spleen is dangerous in that it can develop into depression, and here things will be much more difficult.
Specialists will primarily deal with the clarification of the cause of depression. Most often, one should change the attitude to the life situation that causes this state. The recipe is individual for each person – take care that you like to do, give time to your favorite pastime. Listen to the quiet voice of your soul, in no case do not neglect it.
If you are fond of psychology, it will be much easier to solve the problem, today there are many practices that will help to cope with the problem.
Alcohol, and even more so drugs – not agents from the spleen and depression. They will help to distract for a while, but in fact they will only aggravate the situation.
Autumn spleen is a ailment of a seasonal nature that people usually suffer from, but today the age category of this disease is significantly younger.
The peaks of exacerbation of seasonal depression – autumn and early spring. Characteristic signs of the disease are sharp mood swings, a broken condition in the morning, when I do not want to start work or eat.
A person feels guilty for things that he is absolutely not involved – for example, for the war at the other end of the planet, blames himself for terrible sins, attaches great importance to insignificant acts.
Often such a person is very underestimated by self -esteem, until complete self -abasement.
This condition entails a lot of diseases, so if you suddenly felt that the autumn spleen has entered your cells, stop and think about it! Do not aggravate the situation.
Many people during the period of autumn depression have a tendency to suicide.
We do not have many depression specialists, this Americans have succeeded in its treatment, openly speaking a problem, and in most cases the disease is not even diagnosed.
I would like to advise all women and men – during this period you treat yourself carefully, carefully, with love. If you are overcome by a dream – sleep as much as you need, the body needs time to restructure, decorate the room with bright favorite colors, this will make an reviving note, look through the bright women’s magazine, read interesting tips, eat more fruits, vegetables. And review your attitude to autumn, because there are people who have this time of the year – a favorite. For example, our beloved Russian poet and. WITH.Pushkin, who sung this time of the year. How good is the time of leaf fall, there is no more exhausting heat, the children go to school and do not shout under the windows, you can go to the forest for mushrooms, admire autumn nature.
But if, nevertheless, the autumn spleen is firmly rooted in you, contact a specialist so as not to aggravate the problem.