In some countries, there is still a ban on the acquisition of real estate by foreigners. At the same time, even the conditions of the financial crisis do not stop the government. Although, for someone this is understandable, since not everyone complains of foreign investors for reasons known only. The toughest restrictions exist in a cube, there it is simply unrealistic to buy real estate to a foreigner. The rulers perceive such ideas in hostility, without making any exceptions. Although, what to say about citizens of other countries, when even their compatriots can only receive such a right. They are given for three years, and even then, they are also forced to transfer some restrictions. As practice shows, Cubans can have only one residential object, no one will have the right to get the right. The most interesting thing is that prohibitions can be easily bypassed and many know about it. Acquisition of a house through a standing person has already been put on a stream. By the way, the living area will take cheaper in Miami than here. This is very strange, since food and entertainment are here that are mere pennies. Also, does not want to see the same on its territory Vietnam. Although, there is a loophole that is defined by law. You can take real estate in long -term rental. True, not everyone has rights to this, but only certain categories. Switzerland has breathtaking apartments, but it is very difficult to buy them. Such a right can only be for someone who has paper for living in a given country or has a certificate, which allows you to work there. It is also difficult to get a similar document, only one and a half thousand similar permits are given a year. It is almost unrealistic to get to Austria for a citizen of Russia, since we are not entering the EU, we must pay for an additional fee of 1000 euros. Also, to make housing there, you need paper from local authorities, which is also a problematic situation. There is an interesting feature, for example, citizens who live in the Russian Federation cannot buy housing on the Black Sea coast of Turkey. That is, in any corner of the country there are no prohibitions, namely there, excuse me. Although, those who have been there can understand this restriction. The beauty of Turkey in that area is simply incredible. Perhaps, in this way, they want to preserve the local treasure, fearing the pernicious influence of visitors.