After asking the translator the meaning of the word “fitness”, we learn that it comes from a verb meaning “corresponding”, in a figurative sense – to have an excellent physical form. The biologist will explain that this scientific term denotes the degree of physical perfection. If you ask a question to an ordinary man, most likely, we will hear that this is a female variety of sports.
Having appreciated the joke, we will not agree with her. Fitness is something more than the training methodology, it is not for nothing that fitness in the center of universal attention is already more than two decades. This is a lifestyle, healthy, filled with physical activity of various kinds.
What is unacceptable in fitness?
1. Fitness does not tolerate frivolity. Physical activity requires a serious attitude. You can not engage in hungry (you need to eat a hour and a half before), relate to training, let go. Drinking alcohol is fraught with serious injuries. You need to select loads according to the correct scheme, monitor breathing. At the end of the lesson, stretching is required. Types of exercises need to be changed periodically, but do it competently. It is perfect to work under the guidance of a coach. Good fitness clubs in St. Petersburg provide services such as classes with an instructor.
2. Fitness does not like weak and whiners. Perseverance, patience, positive – these are three whales of success. Get used not to give up, overcome difficulties and weakness. But do not force the body! Be patient, do not chase quick results. Periods of stagnation, lack of progress are normal. At such moments you need to rebuild, try new schemes. A positive attitude is important. The bad mood and decadence has no place in the hall. Physical activity contributes to the production of hormones of joy, so sport is a great way to deal with stress and depression.
3. Fitness does not accept rudeness and impolitude. There may be a lot of people in the hall at the same time. Remember: the freedom of one person ends where the freedom of another begins. When practicing yourself, do not bother to do it to others. Loud negotiations through the entire hall are unacceptable, chatter during relaxation, using simulators instead of benches. It is considered bad tone to bring bags with things to the hall, use perfume before training and neglect personal hygiene rules. Impolite to climb with obsessive questioning, as well as give uninvited advice. Provide the help in which they need, it is necessary: to insure a neighbor is an unwritten law, of course, if you were directly asked about it.