Medu is assigned a title – a storehouse of useful substances, and the benefits of honey are sung by folk and traditional medicine.
The benefits of honey are due to the presence in it: folic acid; provitamin A (carotene); vitamins K, C, E, groups in.
The benefits of honey are a topic relevant in the presence of diseases:
1. gastrointestinal tract;
2. nervous system;
3. cardiovascular system;
4. respiratory tract.
Orders and medals of honey can be distributed to infinity – for a bactericidal action, for stimulating effects, for the ability to remove toxins from the body, for the content of almost all trace elements, for the similarity of the composition of the plasma of human blood, for increasing hemoglobin, for increasing the resistance of the body.
Especially intensively the benefits of honey are manifested when it comes to the child’s body, however, he also does not deprive adults with his attention.
The benefits of honey are proportional to its quality, determined by color – dark (buckwheat) honey is much richer and more generous than bright (acacia).
How to choose “correct” (real) honey?
Unfortunately, “wrong” (fake) honey is “born” very simple. “Skillful Hands” flavor him with patho, syrups, sugar. It is difficult to differentiate “wrong” and “correct” honey even to specialists, and it is very easy for a simple layman to replenish the ranks of the deceived. Nevertheless, there are a series that determine the “correct” honey, moments:
1. The consistency depends on the variety and storage conditions. Crystallization indicates naturalness (buckwheat honey) – moth and slightly light, it becomes thick. If the process of crystallization is not observed by the fall, honey is “wrong”. But light (acacia), on the contrary, crystallizes slowly, this ability of it is to remain liquid for a year, is very appreciated.
2. “Correct” honey does not deteriorate and does not have storage periods, but if it is “flavored” with sugar, it is not stored for a long time – it begins to acidify.
3. The “wrong” honey foams, which indicates the processes of fermentation and immaturity, which worsen taste, nutritious and therapeutic properties.
4. Sugar syrup, which is “treated” by bees, insidiously does not affect the consistency and storage of honey, but deprives copper properties.
5. “Correct” honey cannot be clean, it contains pollen, wax.
6. Honey should not “lie” in the bank in layers, it should be homogeneous.
7. If there is no way to purchase a useful treat from a familiar beekeeper, then be interested in the presence of a certificate.
8. Packaged honey with amber shine in beautiful jars – dead honey. It is poured after heat treatment, from which everything except glucose is lost. All that is above 37 degrees makes honey ordinary calorie sweetness.
9. 1000ml honey should weigh 1400g.
10. “Correct” honey has the properties to completely dissolve in water, and the sediment at the bottom speaks of impurities.
11. Dissolve honey in water, add a drop of iodine, if the solution sits down, that is, an admixture of starch and flour.
12. If honey begins to “hiss” from a drop of vinegar, then it has an admixture of chalk added for density.
13. The ideal option – honey in honeycombs – it is impossible to fake it, each cell of the honeycombs carefully “sealed” by wax.