Russian lawmakers adopted amendments regarding material assistance to people who participated in hostilities. We are talking about paying subsidies for the purchase or construction of housing. Now, we recall, these benefits apply to veterans of the Second World War. In accordance with the new rules for help, all people who fought at one time or another (especially those who have received disability), as well as members of their families, can apply. The amount of money is calculated taking into account the current norms (now, recall, this is 18 square meters for each family member), as well as its market value. The procedure for payments is determined by local authorities. They, first of all, should notify the existing problem. As of January 1, 2012, according to the government, the number of persons related to this category of citizens and standing in the queue for housing was 45,380 people. Recall that the Russian authorities planned to provide housing for all the needy veterans by May 1, 2010, t. To. on your own, many of them are not able to buy an apartment. But this did not happen. The heads of the state considered that in the disruption of the program, the Ministry of Defense, whose representatives of which did not properly conducted records of the queue for housing. They promise to solve this problem now until 2013.