Many women of cellulite bring a lot of grief, and after all, over the world, more than half of the entire excellent population of the planet suffers from it. In general, cellulite occurs due to the fact that women have more loose connective tissue fibers than men. And cellulite begins to develop when stagnation of lymph occurs in the body or slags from the body are excreted very slowly. Before you figure out what cellulite is and how to deal with it, you should find out the reasons for its appearance. Excess weight, constipation, improper nutrition, frequent diets lead to the development of cellulite. And even more to aggravate the situation with cellulite, long -term stress, improper posture, very narrow clothes, as well as the lack of physical exertion, a sedentary lifestyle can. The development of cellulite is possible during puberty, menopause, pregnancy, when taking contraceptive tablets. In general, it is very difficult to completely get rid of cellulite, but you can prevent its appearance. You can try to fight him when he is just beginning. Most importantly, all the methods that a woman will use against cellulite should only be applied comprehensively. It is true that it is important to remember that the treatment of cellulite will be a long process, and this needs a lot of patience and effort. What are the main methods of treating cellulite? Women who have excess weight are recommended acupuncture, but if it suffers from hypertension or varicose veins, then this method is contraindicated. For those women who have free financial resources, you can try to get rid of cellulite with ultrasound. But here it is important to remember that real professionals who could do this are very few, and there is a high probability that the consequences will not be very good after this method of treatment. But before you start treatment, you should find out if you are threatened with cellulite at all. And only then decide how to get rid of cellulite. It is necessary to press the fingers of both hands on the skin. If the skin becomes like an orange peel, then you already have a cellulite. In addition to the above methods for treating cellulite, there are other. This is proper nutrition, to spend the maximum time in the fresh air, lead an active lifestyle, anti -cellulite massage, the use of anti -cellulite gels, creams, contrast shower, ozone therapy, mesotherapy, phonophoresis and myostimulation. The most pleasant and inexpensive way of struggle against cellulite is a contrast shower. It is an excellent gymnastics for muscles and blood vessels. A contrast shower has a positive effect on the skin, activates the metabolic process and significantly improves microcirculation. In addition, a contrast shower can improve mood and relieve nervous tension. In order for the effect after taking a contrast shower to be maximum, it is necessary to apply a remedy against cellulite.