To begin with, it is worth noting the fact that the entire social policy of Russia every day is becoming less and less sentimental. The authorities are already ceasing to almond with their own citizens. In particular, it is the most tough approach that is most clearly visible in the field of resettlement of residents from five -story buildings, which is carried out in accordance with the new rules. The new procedure for resettlement of all demolished five -story buildings for modern Muscovites was adopted a year and a half ago, then the deputies of the Moscow City Duma made appropriate amendments to the law of Moscow, which was aimed at ensuring the housing rights of citizens during the relocation and liberation of residential premises in Moscow. Already from that moment, many Muscovites who are currently living on five-story buildings who go under demolition cannot get an apartment with a larger area than previously occupied. In particular, this applies just those moments when a new apartment is not suitable. As you know, they have exactly the same apartment, both by meter and the total number of rooms. To date, the basic principle of housing during relocation is precisely the equivalent and equivalent. It is not important that the fact that the migrant is, that is, the owner of the housing or the employer. So, for example, if seven people simultaneously lived in a one -room apartment, then they were provided with housing in accordance with certain social norms. It turns out that such families are now provided no more than one -room apartment. If the family is the waiting list, then she will continue to wait for the best option in the new house.