American named Bill Mc-Mehen, who earned his own condition at the yacht trade, acquired 645 objects of various real estate at the auction, which was originally confiscated for non-payment of mortgages. The total value of the total property was approximately $ 4,500,000. The average cost of each object was at 7,100 dollars. This real estate is located on the territory of the County Macob of Michigan. The whole portfolio includes about 400 units of various housing, not to mention commercial and industrial premises. A lot of objects require mandatory repair. In accordance with the estimates of the experts of this area, retail resale of these real estate objects should bring to the businessman about $ 2,000,000 in the form of profit. To date, the millionaire continues to receive relevant applications from interested investors. All those houses that will not find buyers for themselves, the businessman will give to charitable organizations. Many investors are sure that the auction organizers made a mistake when they agreed to the proposal of a businessman. They immediately sold most of the entire real estate to one person, while the other 300 participants did not even have time to name their price. So, some of the failed buyers said that they were quite ready to pay a fairly large amount for their favorite object, which would have exceeded their real cost several times. If the organizers began to sell real estate separately, then in the future some objects would be simply not purchased.