Many people acquire real estate abroad in order to earn on it in the future, that is, to rent it out. In our article we will tell you how to correctly do it in France. The acquisition of real estate abroad has always been a profitable investment of own funds. Very often foreign real estate are acquired only for leasing. It is worth noting that if real estate acquisition, responsibility for its safety lies with you. You will need to constantly monitor the order in the apartment, as well as timely pay all taxes. This process cannot do without your personal participation. In the event that everything is done correctly, then such an event can bring a very good profit. Russians most often choose France for such purposes. This country embodies unique romance. She is able to attract a large number of tourists annually. It is also worth noting that buying an apartment in this country is quite simple. To do this, it is necessary to determine the purpose of the apartment in advance. In the event that it is purchased exclusively for leasing, then her choice should take place a little differently. The best city in France for renting an apartment is Paris. The demand for rent in this city is never reduced. Most often, apartments in Paris are rented by students. According to many experts, it is best to purchase real estate for renting in Paris. The demand for real estate in Paris is held all year round. Do not forget that you will have to invest a lot of money in the timely payment of the necessary taxes.