Last week, the President signed a law that provides employees of state organizations, state academies of sciences, military personnel settlement and resolution of the housing issue using cooperatives. As explained by Alexander Bravermann, the head of the Federal Fund for the Development of Housing Construction, in an interview with RG, the law provides for the possibility of non-proprietary provision of lands with a housing building, housing, housing accumulative and other types of consumer cooperatives that were created to provide some categories of housing citizens.
“In addition to preferential supply of land, they will be provided with assistance in connecting to housing communications. The RZHS Foundation, in addition, was ready for free transfer of re -application projects for cooperatives. Given these measures, the cost of the apartment is required to decrease by at least 20-25 %, ”says the interlocutor of the publication. However, he never explained what categories of citizens will be included in the distribution of land plots, suggesting that they can be young doctors, teachers, and scientists.
It should be noted that the “Bravermann Foundation” was created during the introduction into circulation for housing buildings of unbearable federal lands, which, according to the head of the fund, helps to ensure a price decline for such housing by ten percent compared to average markets, as well as 5% along with with a 5% along with set prices by the Ministry of Regional Development. It is worth noting that this year 5 plots of lands of the Perm Territory were transferred to the fund in the form of a property contribution. For the purposes of housing construction, the use of a site was proposed, the area of which is thirty hectares on Lipovaya Gora, as well as 2 sites, the total area of which is 1.14 hectares in the Leninsky district, including the unfinished building of the Medical Academy.