In the frantic rhythm of modern life, many recall the health of the stomach only when severe pain begins. Eliminating unpleasant symptoms will help Denil and dill. These medicinal plants successfully serve people for many centuries.
The rhythm of modern life is not mentioned by only the lazy life. This is especially true for large cities, where people are not only busy directly at work, but also have to spend a lot of time reaching it. A tense schedule in many production, and in offices, too, “adds oil to the fire”. As a result, most of the working population is powered by “on the go”. Since canteens where you can order hot lunch from several dishes at an affordable price not at every corner, many are forced to use fast food points. The consequence of this is problems with the stomach and intestines.
That is why the normalization of digestion becomes for many a priority task. But how to solve it? Listen to television advertising and start taking various drugs? And where is the guarantee that, having solved one problem, you will not acquire the second? After all, some drugs have a lot of side effects. Or courageously continue to endure unpleasant symptoms, hoping that such unpleasant phenomena as gastritis or ulcer pass you?
It is best to turn to folk medicine, where natural means have been used to normalize digestion and improve the body of the body. Even in ancient Rome, for this, a powder from the dried nine of high, which not only contributed to good digestion, but also helped better absorption of nutrients was used. The rhizomes contain beneficial polysaccharides and bitter substances (they improve appetite), in the leaves – ascorbic acid, flavonids and tocopherol. Among plants that help with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, Eleasil takes one of the first places.
People with pancreatic problems and biliary organs are usually forced to take tablets regularly, not knowing that they are easy (except for advanced cases) to be treated. To do this, the dry rhizomes of Events and the Dudnik (the second name are Diagil) are taken in equal proportions, grind them into powder and take before meals one teaspoon of this mixture, before swallowed, it must be held in the mouth so that it is saturated with saliva. The bitter taste of the mixture can be endured, since in 2-3 receptions you will get rid of belching after eating and heaviness in the stomach. The infusion of the root of the nine is indispensable in the treatment of diseases of the duodenum and stomach ulcers.
Another excellent tool for such problems is a well -known dill for everyone. He removes the spasm of blood vessels in the intestines and stomach, copes with the putrefactive and fermentation processes that can occur in the intestines, reduces the process of flatulence. Even babies to improve digestion and reduce the number of “gaziks” in the stomach and intestines, give dill water prepared from the seeds of this plant.
Water infusion, shown with pain in the intestines and stomach, is also prepared at home. To do this, 200 milliliters of boiling water are taken for one dining room of chopped dill seeds, you need to insist in a closed dish for 15 minutes, and then strain and take it within a day for a week. One tablespoon is enough for a child 3 times a day before meals, an adult – half a glass.