Often information about enterprises operating in Russia and in the territory of the CIS countries may be needed. It is sometimes difficult to find the right phone, physical address of the company or email. Such issues are immediately excluded if you use the data collected by the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (the Unified State Register of Legal Entities).
But how can they be obtained? Go to the B2blist website. ru and you will be pleasantly surprised. You can get the necessary information quickly enough. In addition, for the convenience of working with databases of enterprises, you can install the proposed program on your computer. In this case, you will not need constant Internet access.
You will have many opportunities. For example, you can get an extract of a different nature from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. For you, information about the authorized capital, about the founders, etc. D. By installing the program, you will receive the latest updates on a free basis. You can always support the databases of enterprises in the current mode.
On the site you will learn information about the searches for the search for organizations, about the structure of the data provided. In addition, you can easily order the necessary databases with full content about each enterprise.