White spots on the body are a manifestation of vitiligo, the so -called disease of the elect.
The very first mention of Vitiligo can be found in ancient Indian and Arab treatises. People could not explain why white spots appear on the body and therefore considered the symptoms of Vitiligo a curse.
There was no question of any treatment, and the unfortunate patients with white spots on the body simply forced to leave their native places. Now we know that there is no curse, and Vitiligo is a completely non -neopsy and safe disease for others. In addition, white spots on the body do not cause any harm to the body of the patient. The reason for their occurrence is the destruction of melanocytes (pigment cells that produce melanin), as a result of which the skin does not produce pigment.
Why vitiligo? Because white spots on the body more often appear in people born in certain layers of society, which limits the choice of a partner to continue the genus (for example, the reigning clan).
Where white spots on the body most often appear?
White (depigmented) spots occur on any part of the body. However, they mainly appear:
• area around the eyes;
• area around the mouth;
• on the bends of the joints;
• on the fingers of the legs, on the fingers;
• in the genital area.
The shape of the spots, as a rule, is oval, with clearly defined boundaries, their size may remain unchanged, and may increase. White spots on the skin do not cause any trouble – they do not peel off, do not become inflamed, do not hurt and the skin within their borders does not lose sensitivity.
The disease can be localized (white spots on the body appear in small areas of the skin) or generally (large spots that can cover the whole body).
What to do?
First of all, contact a dermatologist.
There is an opinion that white spots on the body, they talk about some internal disease, eliminating which you can eliminate the spots. Therefore, doctors-dermatologists, before prescribing treatment, direct patients to take a general blood test and without fail to a gastroenterologist and an endocrinologist. If these experts do not reveal any pathologies, then the patients are prescribed complex therapy. It boils down to taking vitamins and drugs that increase the sensitivity of the skin to the effects of sunlight, as well as stimulating melanin (photosensitizing), along with this, copper sulfate, phototherapy, laser therapy, photochemotherapy, and surgical treatment are used.