In accordance with the decision of the deputies of the Kyiv council, the entire territory of the Belichansky forest goes to the borders of the Goloseevsky Park. It is this factor that allows the forest will receive environmental status. This was reported in the press service of the above department. At the moment, the territory of the Belichansky forest will be protected in accordance with the current legislation, which is aimed at the natural-reserve fund. The law states that in the territory of the Belichansky forest there can be no construction or any other activity. This is especially true for those activities that can lead to a deterioration in the general state of the environment.
It is worth recalling that the war for the Beligansky forest began back in 2008. Then the city authorities, combining all its public efforts, as well as with the support of the leadership of the current legislation, was able to save the Beligansky forest from imminent death. If this did not happen, then now there was simply no Beligansky forest, they could simply be cut down. On June 21 of this year, the Kiev Court of Appeal of the Council of Council of Coceyubinsky, unlawful decisions on the transfer of 100 hectares of forest within the Svyatoshinsky Forest Park Economy,.
In any case, it all ended well, which is already good. If the public did not begin to sound the alarm in time, the consequences could be much worse. It shows from this that people are still trying to maintain a favorable situation in the city.