Those people who turned out to be direct participants in the lending program recognized that not only the bank’s resources, but also real estate are not enough for the correct implementation of the program. The implementation of the program began on May 16. For this fairly short period of work time, experts were able to identify all the negative and positive aspects that she has. The program began some problems that relate to a serious reduction in the number of those to whom the government is going to give a cheap mortgage. So, for example, back in April, Prime Minister Nikolai Azarov was going to issue a mortgage of 35,000 families, but already in May this figure was reduced to 30,000 families. As for the present moment, in total, no more than 50 was issued throughout the country. Another serious problem is that the number of people who would like to get a preferential mortgage is constantly growing and at this stage is already twice the planned number of loans. The housing stock simply cannot withstand such a load, which means half of the citizens who are now in line will simply not receive Honored Housing. According to the results of statistics, it became known that today there are only 3867 free apartments, while those who want to get these apartments 6177. A small part of all apartments is located in fairly problematic objects that are not completed, which means that there is a large enough risk that they simply will not be put into operation. If new construction is not implemented, then no resolution of the problem is expected.